(Photograph © J. G. Coleman)
“People are tremendously concerned about the unmitigated loss of open space in their own communities. They see subdivisions supplanting the open spaces where they once walked and hiked, and they want to know how they can gain the power to save the green spaces that make their communities unique. So they turn to land trusts as the local entities that have been set up to conserve land.”
Preserving open space in Wolcott offers several benefits to the local community. Some of those benefits are readily noticeable, for they involve protecting and maintaining the very woodlands, waters and wildlife that are an integral part of Wolcott’s character. But protecting open space is advantageous in other ways, too… ways that are subtle, and sometimes counter-intuitive, but which nonetheless pay dividends over the long term.
Benefits of Open Space
Attract Investment
Open space contributes to better overall quality of life, a characteristic that is especially attractive to tax-paying businesses and residents. And for that matter, preserving land can be especially effective in keeping taxes a bit lower over years to come. Studies have shown that when open space is developed rather than preserved, the cost of providing public services and infrastructure can oftentimes outweigh the new tax revenue, creating a burdensome deficit that is felt by all taxpayers.
In addition, studies have shown time after time that property values are positively impacted by the presence of open space.
Boost the Local Economy
Open spaces attract a steady influx of hikers, naturalists, artists and all sorts of visitors that are eager to enjoy the outdoors and want to appreciate nature first-hand. This is basically tourism, and those that are coming to Wolcott to enjoy our open spaces are also likely to support our local businesses during their visit.
Advocate Sustainable Development
In many cases, tracts of open space that have existed for several decades under private ownership may unexpectedly change hands and be suddenly and irreversibly lost to development. This is not only costly to the aesthetics of a community, but also to the local economy. By preserving open space wherever possible, we can help protect against unplanned or inapt development.
Contribute to Healthy Lifestyles
In an era when we all tend to get less exercise than we ought to, the importance of getting outside cannot be overstated. Even routine, low-impact activity like brisk hikes can substantially improve health. Open space provides opportunities for getting outdoors and getting the exercise we need in natural places that nourish our body and mind alike.
Stewardship of the Environment
Protecting and maintaining the environment is essential —for the quality of our air and water, for the wildlife and habitat areas that are part and parcel to our natural heritage, for the aesthetics of our community— and preserving open space is one of the simplest and most effective ways to make a lasting difference.
We Need Your Help Today!
If the economic, aesthetic, environmental and health benefits of open space resonate with your values and your vision for the future of Wolcott, then we strongly urge you to become a member of the Wolcott Land Conservation Trust. Your membership support is a critical contribution to our mission, helping us to continue preserving and maintaining Wolcott’s open spaces. For information about how to join the WLCT, be sure to visit our membership page.
Crompton, John L. “The Impact Of Parks And Open Spaces On Property Values.” Texas A&M University: Department of Recreation, Park and Tourism Sciences. 63.1 (Winter 2007): 32. Web. 9 Dec. 2013. http://www.cprs.org/membersonly/Winter07_PropertyValues.htm.
“Annotated Bibliography for The Economic Benefits of Land Conservation.” Land Trust Alliance. Land Trust Alliance. Web. 9 Dec 2013. http://www.landtrustalliance.org/conservation/landowners/annotated-bibliography-benefits-land-conservation.